Study For Free

We’re very fortunate that many of the qualifications we support with our learning materials are currently funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (subject to meeting the funding criteria at the bottom of this page). This means that adults can enrol on the courses below for free and gain a nationally accredited NCFE CACHE qualification upon successful completion. Funding is routed through FE colleges and various independent learning providers, and we are working in partnership with some of these to promote the offer and help individuals and organisations to access the courses.

All the courses are designed to be delivered on a flexible, distance learning basis. Therefore, there’s no need to attend college or face-to-face classes. Learners can choose to study online or to receive paper-based materials.

All the qualifications are nationally accredited at level 2 and the ones that are currently available are listed below. Some courses are longer than others, so we’ve provided an indication of the time that is usually given to complete each one (we appreciate that some learners may require less time, others may need more). You can click on the links to learn more about each qualification.

Key features of the programme:

Funding eligibility criteria:

To register your interest, please fill out the form below and one of our enrolment advisers will get in touch to provide you with information, advice and guidance.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Organisation (if applicable)

    Your Email (required)

    Confirm Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number (required)

    Your Postcode (required)

    Your Preferred Course (required)

    How did you hear about us? (required)


    I give consent for Hallmark Education to process, collect and store my data from this form in a secure and protected manner which is GDPR compliant. I understand that I have the right to withdraw it any time.

    To contact us for more information, please click here

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